Tips on photographing fast-moving wildlife

Image source: Photographing wild animals is hard enough. A photographer must take into consideration the animal’s boundaries, the surroundings, the weather, and their personal safety. But when another element is added, such as speed, it becomes a different ballgame. It’s quite difficult to photograph fast-moving wildlife like birds, deer, monkeys, and other mobile animals. Here are some tips that can make wildlife photography a lot easier. Tatiana Kukanova . First and foremost, a photographer has to know the settings for capturing moving objects. This is, of course, the shutter speed. Utilizing a fast shutter speed setting can freeze the subject’s movement in the shot, creating a stunning in-motion effect. Similarly, a photographer can also combine panning techniques to show the motion in the frame. One may also want to use a continuous focusing mode when shooting wildlife. Tatiana Kukanova . Having the right equipment also helps immensel...