Tatiana Kukanova’s Beginner’s Guide on Common Camera Settings
Just as
I’ve said in my previous post, it is
important for photographers like me, Tatiana Kukanova, to learn about the
different settings of our cameras. Many photographers who are just getting
started with photography often ask me what camera settings they should know and
use to get the best photograph with their current camera equipment. To
have the best possible products, there are some camera settings which I
personally use and initially set on my cameras, no matter where I’m shooting.
Here is
Tatiana Kukanova’s Guide on Common Camera Settings:
here’s a list of some important camera settings, which are more likely to be
universal among camera brands:
File Format: RAW
RAW Compression: Lossless
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
DRO, HDR, Lens Corrections, and
High ISO Noise Reduction: Off
Long Exposure Noise Reduction: On
settings are what I personally and regularly set before I start capturing
images. Of course, it’s okay if you wish to set your camera differently. After
you have set your camera to these settings, it’s time to learn about the
settings that really matter when shooting.
Camera Shooting Mode
other photographers may argue otherwise, I am strongly convinced that shooting
in Manual Mode is not always the best. Nowadays, cameras have become very
advanced, so I suggest that you shoot in one of the semi-automated camera modes
Best Autofocus Mode
No matter what
you’re shooting, you should always shoot in the best autofocus mode. So here’s
my suggestion: use Single Area Focus Mode for still subjects and Continuous/AI
Servo Focus Mode for continuously moving subjects.
Best Shutter Speed
The best
shutter speed depends on what you are shooting.
I will advise you to use a shutter
speed that is fast enough so you could
shoot without introducing camera shake.
Best ISO Setting
I would
advise that you shoot with the lowest ISO possible since this produces the
least amount of grain in your pictures.
So, there
it is. Tatiana Kukanova’s Beginner’s
Guide on Common Camera Settings. I hope you find this helpful. And as always,
happy shooting!
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